Mama Africa,
From your sweet breast of rich milk,
Your children have been healthily nourished.
Nourished to walk on this struggling road to success;
And that success, they’ve always struggled in vain to achieve.
Being successful is as high as the peak of the mountain.
Truly Mama! Days in, days out, success seems like an open enemy
Nowadays, your success is not a story, but your failure is the talk of the world.
A world in which your children have been forsaken;
Forsaken in a dramatic world of mortal frustrations.
A world full of chaos and confusion.
A world as hot as a blazing fire.
Through confusion, their struggles grow as hard as rocks;
Their tears flow through the rivers of pains;
Their tears have exceeded the source of the ocean;
Their hearts beat coldly like ice;
They shout joy out of pain.
Oh, Mama!
They have sold your pride for something that’s not worth
They crumble, unable to face themselves
They prefer total strangers to you.
But most unfortunate, Mama,
Your sweet milk has flown through the rivers of corruption into endless streams of human wickedness.
Your fruit has been betrayed, Mama.
Betrayed by the greed of a stranger
They struggle not for your success, but your doom.
You are being stabbed right from the back, Mama,
Stabbed by those who laugh at you.
They laugh with white teeth while mourning you with a black heart
They appear so cool, but with blood burning like fire.
Oh, Mama,
Does that not speak sense to you?
Does the pain and poverty not tell you that you are being betrayed?
Betrayed by the white teeth behind which lie black hearts
Have they no shame?
Have their feelings been stolen away?
Yes, Mother.
But you still have hope in this hopeless state, Mama.
For hundreds of years, you have been rolling in the back;
Crawling towards a bigger dream.
A dream of hope, of love, and of freedom;
A dream of justice and of equality;
A dream of clamping the Mount Everest;
A dream of a land flourishing in joy;
As corruption and exploitation are no more.
Oh yes! That great dream of a new beginning.