My name is Islam
Sent as a guide from Allah to mankind
My followers are called Muslims
I am perfect but my followers are imperfect
I am the divine method for you to follow
I am the way to eternal salvation
I preach the foundation of faith
I am complete for all matters of life
I am perfect and flexible
My teachings tackle all issues of life at all times
It is consistent for all generations
Unchanging through the times
Guiding my people through my teachings
That is why I am the religion of the natural disposition
Allow yourself to experience me and search no more
I offer my Book to you as proof
My book stands firm, never contradicting itself
My book is an argument for or against you
Oh, humankind! Today, your ways of life do not reflect me
You have brought misconceptions to my teaching
I granted you free will, only for you to misuse
I teach unity, yet you prefer separation
I instructed you to be just, yet you practice injustice
I demonstrated to you the value of love and mercy, yet you practice hatred
I commanded you to avoid zina, yet you saw zina as a way of life
I thought you to be patient and kind to the poor, yet arrogance was your choice
I obligated you to speak morally, yet you immorally spoke haram
I guided you to adapt humanity and be generous, yet you selfishly oppress humanity
I directed you not to show malice to orphans, yet you enslave them
I educated you to avoid gambling and alcoholism, yet you became addicted.
I instructed you to be clean and pure, yet you became filthy.
I gave you my Sunnah and sharia, yet you boldly disobey
I trusted you to struggle in Allah’s path, yet you struggle against Allah’s commands
Oh, mankind! Did you not hear the speech of Allah instructing you?
Did you not hear what came in Qaaf and Yaa-sen?
Did you not hear the cry of the dead inviting you?
Did you not hear about the day of gathering?
Today I am judged by what you do
Media blackmails me for terrorism
My name is used in falsehood
Dear media, you have presented the false me to the world
For I teach nothing order then a complete way of life
Prayer is my light
Patience is my illumination
Charity is my proof
If you want to know me, study me. Not my followers!
If you wanna judge- judge based on my teachings. Not the doings of Muslims!
For remember, they are susceptible to errors
I have no mistakes but Muslims make a lot of mistakes
I am perfect, but Muslims are not perfect
I, ISLAM, am the ultimate truth